Thursday, July 9, 2009

Picasa Photo Gallery Is Available!

Hi again! The link to the website photo gallery for the MVC in France is:

Once there, clicking on any of the pictures on the main page will take you to galleries showing other pictures in that group. It's quite nice! In addition, on the upper right-hand corner of the page you'll notice a heading called "Linked Galleries." There are currently a couple of links("johnandmer" and "") which you can click on and you will be taken to galleries that others have uploaded also. LOTS of great pictures!

Dan Brady, Meredith O'Connell's brother-in-law, set this up and sent out instructions on using Picasa to uplaod pictures. If you didn't get the instructions, let me know ( and I'll be happy to forward them to you. I have glanced over the instructions, and they are really nicely done - a 'soup to nuts' primer on how to view, use, and upload photos to the site. Even without reading them closely, however, it is very easy to browse the galleries - and once you do you'll want to read the instructions so you can upload your own photos!

Til next time!

Monday, July 6, 2009

More Mesilla Valley Chorale Members Return to New Mexico!

After I put out a request for additional stories and pictures from other chorale members who just recentl.y returned, I got many replies! Jim and Kay Swedburg visited Germany BEFORE going to France, and then after the Fete de la Musique went to Paris also. After Paris, they attended a family reunion in Illinois, and drove back to NM. I suspect they're still recuperating! Jim said he has put most of his better pics up in his "Photobucket" ( TONS of great pictures! I've posted one of them here. Please visit Jim's Photobucket site!

Meredith O'Connell also reports that her brother-in-law (Dan Brady) is setting up a similar site, but one that everyone can visit to view and UPLOAD pictures as well! That will be fantastic - as soon as I get the site info I will post it here.

Pam Smith is reviewing her pictures, and told me her Paris trip was great. To quote her: "The music festival atmosphere was still very evident in at each metro entrance...The weather was perfect and the crowds very crowded!" She and others took bus tours, boat tours, visited Moulin Rouge, restaurants, the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe... I could go on, but I think I'll save it for the next post once I get a picture or two from her. She sent a great summary of the trip and I'm not sure I could do it justice (as I'm sitting at an airport about to board a plane!). Thanks to everyone who sent info for this post, and stay tuned for more as everyone recuperates and gets back to normal!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy July 4th!!

Hi everyone - not sure if anyone is still keeping track of the blog. After a few days at home (after the trip), I took off on another trip of six days for my family reunion, and was out of the reach of the internet so haven't been updating the Mesilla Valley Chorale blog. I sent out a note to a couple of other MVC members, trying to get some new pictures and paragraphs about the trip AFTER the Fete de la Musique - I hope to have other stories and pictures to post shortly! In the meantime, Happy 4th of July!