Saturday, June 27, 2009

YouTube Clip of the Mesilla Valley Chorale

Hi everyone - I attempted to put a link to a YouTube clip of the Spring Concert at the Rio Grande Theater in May, but apparently I'm technologically challenged! I will keep trying to get the link to work. In the meantime, if you go to and search on "Mesilla Valley" the clip will show up. It's more dated than the trip to France, but since the program was the same I thought I'd put this up. I'm not actually sure who posted this to YouTube - I'm sure it's a member of the chorale, or a friend/family member! Thanks!

In the meantime, this is a picture of Notre Dame in Paris.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Reminiscing - Chenonceau Revisited

Hi everyone! I haven't heard from any of the chorale that stayed in France, visiting Paris and such, but that won't stop me from blogging! I was thinning out the 1200 pictures I took while in France - got it down to about 1160, making progress! I ran across a really cute picture (at least I think so!) of Nancy and Sam Ritchey, and Michel Serpin (Joyce's friend who started all this!). This was taken during our tour of Chateau Chenonceau - just thought I'd post it to keep blog rolling! Stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Random Pictures from France

Just some random pictures from the Mesilla Valley Chorale's trip to France. I didn't realize until I got to our hosts' home that the Music Festival (or Fete de la Musique) wasn't just a one-shot deal in Le Mans - it is a nationwide French holiday. For those of us that love music, what a wonderful thought.

Above, the cathedral in Le Mans from inside - it was an amazing sight, and I think I'll be posting more pictures (of the stained glass especially!!) in a later blog. In the second picture, several of the chorale members pitch in to help Monique (2nd from the right) finish up dinner. And the last picture was an impromptu one taken when some of the members of the chorale showed up at the same time at the Concert Hall in Le Mans on June 21.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

One Itinerant Blogger Returns Home!

Well, my trip with the Mesilla Valley Chorale has come to an end! My brother Mike and sister Cathy Boeker (our 'tie in' with the chorale) left Paris Monday June 22 just after lunch. I hope to have some contact with the folks still in Paris and other points in Europe - as many of you know, much of the chorale will be staying after the concerts to sightsee (HINT HINT - those of you still visiting feel free to email me at to provide pictures and updates!!).

This picture is one of my brother Mike, Ruth Ann Hamlin, and me taken with our host family Irene and Remy Glenche. I think I speak for everyone in the chorale when I say that the warmth and gracious hospitality we experienced with our host families, and indeed the whole of Savigne l'Eveque in general, was incredible. It sets a very high bar for when the Chorale de Savigne visits Las Cruces!! I almost hate to start thanking people for fear if I leave someone off the very long list of gracious hosts that I will offend, but that certainly isn't my intent! Our hosts Irene and Remy were unbelievable, that's about all I can say. Thanks to Jean Picoleau, Chef de Choeur, and Michel Serpin of the Chorale de Savigne for their hard work in making this happen, and thanks to the entire Chorale de Savigne for their hospitality towards us and the beautiful music they produced with us last Friday and last Sunday. Monique, Nicole, Francoise, all so helpful...I know I'm forgetting people... I also want to express thanks, on behalf of my brother and myself, to the Mesilla Valley Chorale, for accepting us as members of their incredible organization, and for giving us the chance to experience this trip of a lifetime. MERCI MERCI MERCI BEAUCOUP!!!!

I hope to be able to update the blog for weeks to come, with personal stories and pictures from other members of the Mesilla Valley Chorale, so stay tuned!

Matt McFee

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fete de Musique - June 21, 2009: C'est Magnifique!!

The final curtain has fallen on the Fete de Musique, and the Mesilla Valley Chorale did wonderfully. Nancy tells the story of an accomplished cellist who remarked once "Perfection is boring." Well, we certainly weren't boring, but if I may speak for others I think we did very well, and the crowd was again incredibly appreciative. This has been the experience of a lifetime for many. Above, Jean Picoleau conducts the combined Mesilla Valley Chorale and the Chorale de Savigne. After the MVC finished their program (the same one from the Rio Grande in May), Nancy invited the singers from Savigne to join us on the stage and sing three songs, including "For the Love of Music," the MVC 'signature' song. It is still somewhat unbelievable how gracious everyone has been!

Below, Nancy conducts the MVC in a rousing rendition of "Distant Land." Below that is a video of part of the performance, a short excerpt from "Picnic of the World."

Saturday, June 20, 2009

One Down, One To Go!!

The first concert in Savigne l'Eveque was last night and it went amazingly well! All the groups that played and sang were wonderful, and it was a fantastic experience to listen to, not to mention participate in! Here are a couple of pictures to give you an idea of the evening. Above, Nancy Ritchey conducts with her usual enthusiasm; below, Jean Picouleau conducts the combined Mesilla Valley Chorale and the Chorale de Savigne during the evening.

It is difficult to describe the reception we have received from our host families in particular, and the town in general. Everyone has been so wonderful and gracious to us.

At the concert we were given a rousing standing ovation, and the crowd refused to stop applauding until we did an encore - Picnic of the World - which got them even more excited. It was an incredible evening, and afterwards there were still groups playing in the town square and the Chorale even got a chance to see some of the local talent. The whole concept of the Fete de la Musique in France seems to be very well accepted and seems to infect people with a desire to participate in and listen to music. C'est incroyable!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mesilla Valley Meets Loire Valley!

Nestled in the Loire Valley, among the gorgeous trees lining its drive and above the Cher River, lies Chateau Chenonceau. The chorale, which arrived a bit belatedly in Paris yesterday evening (June 17), took to the road and traveled to this breathtaking castle today. Here is a picture of the group in front of the castle.

We managed to avoid the moat and the river, and made it back to Le Mans (technically, Sauvigne l'Eveque - a few miles outside Le Mans proper) in time for 'repetition' (that's PRACTICE en francais) at 8:30 pm local time. The host families have been incredibly gracious and friendly to our group! More to come, stay tuned!

Monday, June 15, 2009

One More Day To Go!

No real news to relay, but just one more day before the travel starts for the many folks on their way to France! Can't wait to see everyone! This picture is from the wheelhouse of a friend's boat on the Burgundy canal, near St. Jean de Losne, south of Dijon. Get ready to see many sights like this - France is full of beautiful vistas!

**** Click on the photo to enlarge it ****

Saturday, June 13, 2009

It's Almost TIme

Only three more days until the balance of the chorale arrives! This picture of Sacre Coeur (granted, it's well in the background!) was taken through the clock tower of the Musee D'Orsay, a site that many of the chorale may be visiting after the music festival in Le Mans. A bit of bad news for the chorale: Paul Vaughan was in a motorbike accident, and he and his wife Sara won't be able to join us. Also, Grace Ann Genin won't be joining us as she will be staying at home with her husband, who is recovering from recent surgery. Our best to Paul and Grace Ann and their families, and know that you will be sorely missed!

***** Click on picture to see a larger version *****

Friday, June 12, 2009

Reinforcements Arrive!

Slowly but surely, more Mesilla Valley Chorale members are starting to arrrive in France. These two happen to be my brother and sister (Mike McFee and Cathy Boeker), but I was still happy to see them! We took the opportunity to do a little sightseeing, and our tourguide took this picture of us. We haven't been spending ALL our time sightseeing - we've been looking at the music too! Once Nancy arrives we'll try to avail ourselves of her expertise as well. By the way, again for those of you who may not be familiar with the group, Nancy Ritchey (our Chorale Director) brings a rich and diverse background to her leadership of the group. She graduated from Oberlin College Conservatory of Music, is a skilled accompanist and choral director, who majored in voice performance and studied at the Mozarteum in Salsburg, Austria. She teaches voice and piano privately and also serves as Music Director for the Wellspring Church. I think there is not much question as to her devotion to music! Mike and I are both waiting anxiously for her to arrive so she can tutor us. We did note, however, that Ruth Ann Hanlin, one of the assistant directors of the chorale, is being hosted by the same family as Mike and I and we suspect that there was some reason behind that - so that RUTH ANN could help us out discreetly! Mike and I would both like to publicly thank Judy Bethmann (also an assistant director) AND Alegra Alexander as well, who graciously 'volunteered' (or did we 'commandeer'...) their time after the initial rehearsal in Las Cruces to help us through much of the music.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Quel jour a Paris!

One week and counting until the group arrives en masse en France! Many of you know, but some of you may not know, that the Mesilla Valley Chorale has been entertaining Las Cruces since 1972! Thirty-seven years and counting! MVC features four-part music covering the spectrum from Classical to Pops. People from all walks of life can be found in the chorale, and it provides an opportunity for experienced choral singers (AND even people like me, who are closer to the other end of the spectrum!!) to come together and exercise their passion for vocal performance. To my knowledge (which, admittedly, is sparse since I've only been associated with this great group for a couple of months...) this is their first trip abroad to entertain. I certainly hope it isn't the last. I thought the picture du jour was entertaining - especially considering Las Cruces versus Paris for good enchiladas! This was actually in Versailles, but that's still only SLIGHTLY western by anyone's standards!

Until next time! Au revoir!

*** Click on the picture above to view a larger version ***

Monday, June 8, 2009

A Visit To Normandy - on June 7, 2009

Greetings friends, family and acquaintances of the Mesilla Valley Chorale! This is my third post, but I still haven't run into any other MVC members! I'll keep trying - I suspect there are a couple of them running around the countryside.

As I mentioned in my last post, I finally made it to the American Cemetery in Normandy on June 7, the day after the 65th anniversary of D-Day. It was an incredibly moving trip - the weather was beautiful (the only part of a day so far that has been!) so I felt like it was meant to be. I took a ton of pictures but this one stood out at me. I took many pictures (similar to ones that you've all seen) of the thousands upon thousands of grave markers, laid out in perfect symmetry across the rolling hills running down to Omaha Beach and the English Channel; it is a magnificent and touching sight almost beyond words (and definitely beyond MY words). This picture, though, sums up WHY. No one can doubt those brave soldiers died fighting for a just cause, and that's what stuck with me.

*** Click on picture to view a larger version ***

My Chariot Awaits - Oh Wait, That Was Three Days Ago...

Well, it's not quite a chariot - but it got over the ocean just fine. Sorry I haven't posted in a few days - haven't found internet until today. Haven't run into any other Mesilla Valley Chorale members yet either!

A quick rundown of what's happened - I arrived in Paris Saturday June 6. I immediately rented a car and drove to Normandy, to visit the American Cemetery in Normandy ( This was a bad idea, as a number of other people, including the President of the United States and the President of France, had the same idea. Mere mortals were not allowed with about 10 miles of the place, so I had to settle for a visit to this place:

It was quite nice actually, and although I would have liked to make it to Normandy on the exact day of the D-Day landing, truth is, fighting went on for a long time. I made it over there the next day (June 7) but that's another story! Bye bye for now!

** (As always, you can click on these pictures to make them bigger) **

Friday, June 5, 2009

So it begins!

(click on picture for a larger view)

This picture is eerily similar to how we will be positioned in Le Mans when the Mesilla Valley Chorale performs for the first time on French soil in mid-June! Unfortunately, not everyone pictured here will be making the trip, but all hearts will be with us!

My name is Matt McFee - my sister Cathy Boeker and her husband John are long-time residents of Cruces. When Cathy mentioned that her chorale had been invited to France to sing, my brother Mike and I both opined what a cool trip that would be. Somehow the chorale had the good grace to invite us to join them - and we had the poor grace to accept! I volunteered to chronicle the adventure for posterity, on the internet. This is the first installment of that journey. Granted, our two concerts are still a couple of weeks away, but I wanted to start the buzz early! Stay tuned!