Saturday, June 20, 2009

One Down, One To Go!!

The first concert in Savigne l'Eveque was last night and it went amazingly well! All the groups that played and sang were wonderful, and it was a fantastic experience to listen to, not to mention participate in! Here are a couple of pictures to give you an idea of the evening. Above, Nancy Ritchey conducts with her usual enthusiasm; below, Jean Picouleau conducts the combined Mesilla Valley Chorale and the Chorale de Savigne during the evening.

It is difficult to describe the reception we have received from our host families in particular, and the town in general. Everyone has been so wonderful and gracious to us.

At the concert we were given a rousing standing ovation, and the crowd refused to stop applauding until we did an encore - Picnic of the World - which got them even more excited. It was an incredible evening, and afterwards there were still groups playing in the town square and the Chorale even got a chance to see some of the local talent. The whole concept of the Fete de la Musique in France seems to be very well accepted and seems to infect people with a desire to participate in and listen to music. C'est incroyable!

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